How to deliver an effective transport management strategy?
With VIC and NSW experiencing a transport construction boom, the impacts on the road network need to be managed effectively. Successful outcomes depend not only on the design of the strategy, but also on how well the strategy is communicated between agencies and the community.
We believe the following three factors are key to effectively executing transport management strategies.
1. Establish a working group
As with almost any initiative or project that affects the public, multiple interests need to be balanced.
In doing so, it is of paramount importance that a multi-agency working group is established comprising relevant road management authorities, councils, public transport providers and other agencies as required.
This group should work under clear terms of reference and should have responsibility for reviewing and providing feedback on modelling, plans, designs, strategies and upgrade works required to mitigate the transport effects.
The establishment of a working group sends the right message and allows members of the working group to act as ambassadors and promoters of the plan to external audiences and their own staff.
2. Develop a comprehensive transport management plan
An effective transport management plan is multi layered and needs to be developed collaboratively.
The focus of the plan should be to minimise disruption to land use and transport modes during all stages of construction.
The transport management plan(s) must be informed and supported by an appropriate level of transport modelling, and design outputs should be to relevant design standards to maintain safety of movement.
Critical outputs must consider:
Road transport with a view to maintaining suitable routes and connectivity for road users
Public transport with a view to minimising impacts and providing suitable routes for pedestrians to maintain connectivity
Active transport with a view to maintain connectivity and reasonable performance levels throughout construction for cyclists and pedestrians
Functionality with a view to ensuring the effective and safe operation of a worksite.
3. Develop travel demand management strategies
Construction activity reduces road network capacity. Travel demand management strategies and appropriate tools are required to promote transport behaviour changes in response to road, bicycle and pedestrian paths closures/modifications and to reduce traffic congestion around construction sites.
In tandem with the implementation of travel demand strategies a monitoring methodology and a program for monitoring results should be deployed. These monitoring measures allow the working group to be informed of unanticipated adverse effects and provides them the opportunity to develop practicable mitigation measures.
For more information, contact:
E: brendan@impactaustralia.com.au
About Impact
Impact delivers Traffic and Transport Engineering solutions through a unique 'Inspiring Possibilities' approach. Impact brings you a premium service that is delivered through three specialist offerings: Land Use Planning, Construction Management and Event Management. Impact's offer is extended to built environment professionals and delivers better outcomes and longer term partnerships.